Waterdog Preserve
Bike Use on Single Track Trail I Destroying the Natural Environment
What can you do to prevents DECLINE?
The Sport of Mountain Biking (MTB)
An Equitable Plan for ALL Users: 6 of the 13 official trails are suitable for biking, according to Best Practices and City policy. The remaining 7 trails were approved for hiking only, for safety and environmental reasons. Sustainability requires enforcing trail-use plans as detailed in City Policies Ignored.
Belmont is the only local Open Space steward to allow mountain biking on all single-track natural-surface trails, making Waterdog a regional destination for the sport of mountain biking. Read the analysis in Overdeveloped Trails.
Waterdog trails are eroded and the environment is threatened by unsustainable mountain bike use and lax management as detailed in Environmental Damage.
Hundreds of biker-posted videos like these exhibit the culture of destruction
Safety for All in Waterdog (2 minute)
Most local open spaces do not allow bikes on narrow, natural surface trails because it endangers hikers and startles wildlife, detracting from the tranquility of the nature experience.
This is a safety issue
Mud Puddle Jumping in Waterdog (1:30 minutes)
Experience this rainy-day MTB ride on muddy Waterdog trails. Many Open Space areas close natural-surface trails during wet conditions to prevent damage.
This is NOT passive recreation
Roosting in Waterdog (1:15 minutes)
The sport of mountain biking is based on action, speed, adrenaline, and competition. This sport damages natural trail surfaces and vegetation, endangers wildlife and hikers, and is incompatible with open space conservation goals.
This is NOT passive recreation
New rogue trails created by thrill-seeking bikers
The exploding number of bikers is increasing impacts, as revealed in the articles below.
The Culture of Mountain Biking Has Gone Astray
- Adventure-Journal.com; Mike Curiak
"When did we become this crowd? How are these actions in any way morally defensible?"
​Rogue Riders/Mountain Bikers Hack Trails in Peninsula Parks - SFGate; Michael McCabe
​"It shows an incredible lack of respect for property rights and the natural land" - Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Rogue Riders Mountain Bikers Hack Trails
US National Parks Policy Requires Impacts
Analysis Before Approving Bikes on Trail
“When bicycle use is proposed for a new or existing trail, the National Parks Service (NPS) must complete a planning process that evaluates bicycle use on the specific trail, including impacts to trail surface and soil conditions, maintenance costs, safety considerations, potential user conflicts, and methods to protect resources and mitigate impacts. For both new and existing trails, the NPS must complete NEPA analysis that concludes that bicycle use on the trail will have no significant impacts.”